Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cleaning House

We may have officially moved a week and a half ago, but due to the insane amount of time that it took us, there's still a smattering of random stuff and a LOT of cleaning to do in our old place. So that's what I'm doing today - driving back to DC with the boyfriend to pack it up, clean it out, and see some friends. Tonight is dinner with the lovely ladies of S3oo and tomorrow we're taking our across-the-hall neighbors out for dinner to thank them for TONS of help in moving large pieces of furniture and smushing it into the truck. Seriously, we may otherwise have packed until midnight, especially with the thumb incident.

So of course I woke up this morning feeling totally blah...tired, despite sleeping until 10, anxious, and generally MYEH. I hate those days that I wake up feeling icky, because my anxiety kicks in and I convince myself that I'm probably dying. Usually of leukemia - this is totally ridiculous, but I read one of those One Last Wish books (all about dying people) when I was a tween and it featured a girl with leukemia. It came on with tiredness and easy bruising, so clearly that's my problem. Ugh. Those books should have been banned from my reading list before I got a chance to take them off of the bookshelf. Not good for a hypochondriac. I posed the question "Ugh, baby, why do I feel so wonky?" And usually the answer is "I don't know. Why don't you have some tea?" Heh. But today, the answer was perfect - we're going to spend time doing something that we should have been finished with a week ago; we're going to spend all day doing it; it's more driving and packing. But, "we also get to spend a fun drive together and see two good sets of friends, and honestly it probably won't take all day." And just like that, I felt better. Thanks darling!

Anyways lovelies, it's back to DC for me. I promise to do a 101 things post soon to update on my progress (and to remove something from the list that I've realized I so DON'T want to do). Hope your Halloween weekend is going well!


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